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.Wednesday, March 25, 2009 ?

"Hiya!!!!I'm kung fu panda!!"

Love, @ 3:59 AM
. ?
animal cakes and animal pinatas

Love, @ 3:54 AM
.Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ?

superdog to the rescue!!!!

Love, @ 3:54 AM
. ?

this african elephant is very majestic.

Love, @ 3:51 AM
. ?

This is a palomino galloping in the meadow.

Love, @ 3:42 AM
. ?

snaily is sooooooo cute!!!!!

Love, @ 3:36 AM
. ?

i would name this kitten Marmalade

Love, @ 3:26 AM
. ?

"hi, I'm a hedgehog,searching for love"says the hedgehog.

Love, @ 3:22 AM
. ?

my last dog, J.J,was a mini maltese.

Love, @ 3:19 AM
. ?
madagascar 2

I like to move it move it,
You like to move it move it
he likes to move it move it,
we like to,MOVE IT!!!!!!

Love, @ 3:15 AM
. ?

Gloria says hi!!!!

Love, @ 3:10 AM
.Monday, March 23, 2009 ?

Melman is looking good!!

Love, @ 3:36 AM
. ?

Marty is hoofin' around.........

Love, @ 3:21 AM
. ?

Love, @ 3:21 AM
. ?

Love, @ 3:15 AM
. ?

looks like Alex from Madagascar.....

Love, @ 3:11 AM

Jodell (:
I'm a funky monkey[:
I like reading, playing computer(who doesn't?),playing PSP,going to school, i love animals,watching movies,drawing animals,posting blogs and i like to play with my hamster.[:


my Jie Jie| Link| Link| Link|



March 2009| April 2009| May 2009| June 2009| July 2009| October 2009| November 2009| January 2010| February 2010| March 2010| May 2010| July 2010| August 2010| February 2012| June 2013|


amicablyEstranged xoxo