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.Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ?

"I am taking a look at the world around me!!!!Also called spyhopping."

Love, @ 3:31 AM
.Saturday, April 11, 2009 ?

Our heroes to the rescue!!!!!!

Love, @ 3:41 AM
. ?

Wolves are my ancestors cos' im a dog.:)

Love, @ 3:36 AM
.Monday, April 6, 2009 ?

Orca sooooooooo cute!!!!

Love, @ 3:29 AM
.Thursday, April 2, 2009 ?
When Insects ruled the world

Long long ago, insects ruled the world.There were no humans and animals.And there was an ant called Zuko. He did not like anybody and nobody liked him.Zuko could not help being kind to aphids even though he did not like them. One day, Zuko saw an aphid stuck in a hole. Zuko did not want to leave the aphid so he pulled it out of the hole. the aphid was a magic aphid but Zuko did not know this .The aphid thanked Zuko and said"Iwill grant you a wish fo your kindness.Thank you and good bye."Zuko stood there , roooted to the spot. He pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming.Zuko then started thinking about what to wish for. A few minutes had passed. Suddenly, Zuko knew what to wish for. He said aloud, "I wish that insects i do not like will be gone." Then, the whole world suddenly felt empty. Zuko then realised his foolishness and started sobbing

Love, @ 4:18 AM
. ?

This is Krypto, Bat Hound, Streaky and the Dog stars(the dogs in the background)

Love, @ 4:12 AM
. ?

This is Streaky(the cat) and Bat Hound(the cool dog).they are also in the show, Krypto the superdog.

Love, @ 4:04 AM
. ?

Krypto the superdog in Dolphin Panic. Written by Jodell. Illustrated by Jodell

Love, @ 4:00 AM

Jodell (:
I'm a funky monkey[:
I like reading, playing computer(who doesn't?),playing PSP,going to school, i love animals,watching movies,drawing animals,posting blogs and i like to play with my hamster.[:


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March 2009| April 2009| May 2009| June 2009| July 2009| October 2009| November 2009| January 2010| February 2010| March 2010| May 2010| July 2010| August 2010| February 2012| June 2013|


amicablyEstranged xoxo