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.Friday, June 14, 2013 ?

Whoa, its been such a long time since I've posted... I almost forgot that I had a blog... Well, a lot of things have changed since the last time I posted, mainly I'm no longer in primary school, but have moved on to secondary school. I don't even know why I'm posting this... Feels good to post something after such a long time, I guess. I don't know who will read this, since not many people (or rather, very very few people) know of my blog. It doesn't really matter to me who reads this and who doesn't. I'm just writing this out of boredom...
Well, a 3DS game, Pokemon X and Y are coming out on October 12th. I want to play them, but I don't have a 3DS. That's why I'm contemplating whether or not to buy a 3DS... Besides Pokemon X and Y, there are other games I could play on it, like Pokmon Mystery Dungeon: Gates of Infinity, and Pokemon Rumble Blast. A 3DS is quite expensive though, it costs $250, but on the other hand, the price has gone down tremendously from last year, when it was $399. Well, I'll have to make up my mind soon, before pokemon X and Y come out...

Love, @ 12:38 AM

Jodell (:
I'm a funky monkey[:
I like reading, playing computer(who doesn't?),playing PSP,going to school, i love animals,watching movies,drawing animals,posting blogs and i like to play with my hamster.[:


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amicablyEstranged xoxo